Gold: Piraeus Bank Yellows loyalty web site. Gold: ActionAid hellas web sites. Silver: Raw awards offical page

At a cool ceremony at Gazarte art space in Athens we were proud to receive 3 WebX awards. WebX awards are important because they reward creativity in the service of real business goals. That is why we cherish the 2 Gold and 1 Silver award we received for three commercially viable projects for top clients and brands. We feel the need to thank Piraeus Bank, ActionAid Hellas and EDEE (Greek Advertising Agencies Association) for trusting us to answer their business needs boldly with solid UX, inspired, ideas- based design and technology to match. We believe this is the best way to showcase Greek digital design and development and instill in future clients the value of creativity in all fields of the web site creation process.

See awarded projects

Actionaid Hellas

Piraeus bank Yellows

Raw awards




