Celebrating #InspireInclusion 2024 at Linakis.digital

We are committed to inclusion and diversity at Linakis.digital which is also one of our core values. This is why we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD). Regarding inclusivity for women in the workplace at Linakis.digital, 41% of our employees are women and 70% of leadership roles are held by women. This is impressive as only 35% of women hold leadership roles in Europe according to Eurostat (2022)* and furthermore the statistics for the ICT (Information Communication Technology) sector are even less encouraging where women are traditionally under-represented in the workforce and academia.  

For 2024, the theme for IWD is #InspireInclusion, which resonates with our policy for inclusion and diversity. Furthermore, our culture fosters an environment where regardless of gender, race or age all employees are valued for their contribution to the growth of Linakis.digital, which creates large scale ‘cutting-edge’ digital experiences for leading brands. 

The celebration and support for ‘International Women’s Day’ is therefore important to us, as despite the continual growth of the ICT sector women remain significantly under-represented in digital careers in the EU. We are proud that we are leading the way in this important issue of inclusion as according to the 2022 Digital Economy and Society Index (EPRS, 2023)** only 20% of ICT specialists and 30% science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates are women. 

While acknowledging the strides we have made, we remain aware of the broader industry challenges for women in technology, and our commitment to diversity and inclusion continues unabated at Linakis.digitalAs we propel forward on our growth journey, we are unwavering in our commitment to nurturing a workplace that is not only a hub for exceptional talent but also a model for inclusivity in the ever-evolving landscape of the technology industry. 

Curious about joining our inclusive culture? Explore the exciting opportunities available at Linakis.digital and become a part of a workplace that values diversity and inclusion. Please access our open positions here.

*Eurostat 2022.

**EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service (2023). Women in the digital Sector.